About Us

The new classification system of marine protected areas based on regulations is the result of the BUFFER European project (“Partially protected areas as buffers to increase the linked social-ecological resilience” - http://www.criobe.pf/programmes/buffer/), which integrated a multidisciplinary team from MARE (http://www.mare-centre.pt), CCMAR (http://www.ccmar.ualg.pt) and CNRS-CRIOBE (http://www.criobe.pf).

Other institutions that were part of the project were: CNRS (France), LTU (Sweden), IMR (Norway), SLU (Sweden), UBO (France).


The Project was funded by the ERA-Net BiodivERsA project (www.biodiversa.org), with the national funders ANR(France), FCT (Portugal), FOR-MAS and SEPA (Sweden) and RCN (Norway). 

The PI’s of this initiative are Emanuel Gonçalves (emanuel@ispa.pt), leader of the classification system work package, Bárbara Horta e Costa (barbarahcosta@gmail.com) co-leader of the classification system, and Joachim Claudet (joachim.claudet@gmail.com) leader of the BUFFER project.

Contact us at: classifympas@gmail.com

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