The new classification system of marine protected areas based on regulations is the result of the BUFFER European project (“Partially protected areas as buffers to increase the linked social-ecological resilience” -, which integrated a multidisciplinary team from MARE (, CCMAR ( and CNRS-CRIOBE (
Other institutions that were part of the project were: CNRS (France), LTU (Sweden), IMR (Norway), SLU (Sweden), UBO (France).
The Project was funded by the ERA-Net BiodivERsA project (, with the national funders ANR(France), FCT (Portugal), FOR-MAS and SEPA (Sweden) and RCN (Norway).
The PI’s of this initiative are Emanuel Gonçalves (, leader of the classification system work package, Bárbara Horta e Costa ( co-leader of the classification system, and Joachim Claudet ( leader of the BUFFER project.
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